yoga for beginners and people with physical challenges
These classes are for people who find (beginning a) yoga practice for whatever reason a challenge: rather becasue of a past injury, recovery from illness, age, overweight or other reasons. If you are still not sure if this is for you, drop me a line.
regular classes
WEDNESDAY 19:15-20:30
Municipality space* (in collaboration with KUD Kinetikon), Štefanova ulica 11, center
€ donation (suggestion between €5-15,-)
*in Municipality space there are no yoga props, so it is advisable to bring your own mat.
Registration is necessary, with a short explanation about the challenges the person is facing.
practice guidelines
In most class spaces there are currently NO yoga requisits, so it is advisable to bring your own mat.
Wear comfortable clothes, we practice barefoot.
Ideally there should be 3-4hrs between the beginning of the class and the last large meal, a small 'snack' up to 2hrs before practice is ok.
Do not drink anything during the practice (also not water) as fluid affects the occurring physiological processes.
And last but not least - in Sundernath's words: Sometimes something brings you to a place of learning. Come with an open mind, even if you don't know exactly what you came for.