individual classes

Individual classes are most appropriate in the following situations:
- If a person has such a specific physical limitations, challenges or health problems that they cannot follow beginners klasses.
- If the person is unable to attend any of the regular weekly classes and would like, for example, an individual class once every 1-2 months that provides them with material for a yoga sadhana at home.
price and registration
Individual lessons are currently available in Ljubljana and Kranj, and can take place in my personal studio in Kranj, in a rented studio (the rent will be taken care of), in the person's home (if a spacious room is available) or online. The price is the same in all cases.
Individual lesson 1h €75,-
Set of individual lessons (4x1h) €260,-
(Part) of payment is possible in cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH, XMR) - ask at registration.
Students, seniores and unemployed get 10% discount - ask at registeration.
At registration add the reason of your request for an individual class, where would you like it to take place and payment considerations, if any.
You can make the payment online or cash prior to / at the the class.
practice guidelines
Wear comfortable clothes and be barefoot.
Ideally 3-4h before the class do not eat any large meals, a small 'snack' up to 2h before class is ok.
Do not drink anything during the class (also not water) as fluid affects the physiological processes of running.
The necessary yoga props will be provided.